Monday, February 24, 2014

Pineapple Banana Mint Smoothie

Sometimes simple really is best, especially when I am half asleep in the morning. Most mornings, if I manage to wake myself up enough to use the blender, I have a green smoothie. I love green smoothies. They are full of protein, fiber, calcium, and lots of other vitamins. But occasionally it's nice just to have something sweet. This smoothie may not be packed full of protein, but it is full of potassium, vitamin C (from the pineapple and the mint), and is good for digestive health. Not to mention, it hapens to be sweet and delicious.

Pineapple Banana Mint Smoothie


1 Banana
1/2 Cup of Pineapple Juice
5 Fresh Mint Leaves


1. Wash mint thoroughly, especially if organic. 

2. Combine all ingredients in a blender. Make sure to add the juice first, this way the blades are free to spin.

3. Blend until smooth and enjoy!   

Sunday, February 23, 2014

Strawberry Rhubarb Pie with Walnut Crust

I love pie, especially fruit pies. But even more than I love to eat pie, I love to bake pie. During my first two years of college I spent so much time baking for my family and most of what I made was pie. I loved making crust from scratch and creating decorative and beautiful designs in the crust. But while trying to get healthy, pie seems a little counter intuitive. Most pie is a lot of empty calories from white flour and processed sugars. However, this week while grocery shopping, I saw the freshly stocked bin of rhubarb and I could not resist. Its vibrant red color was so enticing, I knew I had to try my hand at making a healthy-ish pie.

Let's be honest, no pie is a hundred percent healthy, but this version eliminates many of those overly processed ingredients that do no good for your body. Instead of making a traditional double crust pie, I decided to go with a crust that cut out flour all together. Walnuts are incredibly good for helping prevent diseases like breast cancer and oats are a much better choice than plain white flour. Coconut oil is still fat, yes. However, it is a healthier choice compared to shortening and butter. Strawberries are an inherently uber sweet fruit, so cutting back on the sugar in the filling did not leave me missing anything. This pie was so satisfying. The tartness of the rhubarb balanced out the sweet strawberries. And the walnuts created a much tastier crust than I could ever have expected. I even let myself eat this for breakfast and did not feel guilty at all!

Strawberry Rhubarb Pie with Walnut Crust


2 Cups of Walnuts
1 1/2 Cups of Quick Oats
3 1/2 TBSP of Coconut Oil, melted
3/4 Cup of Brown Sugar
2 Cups of Strawberries, chopped
2 Stalks Rhubarb, diced
1 TSP of Vanilla
1/4 Cup of Cornstarch
Juice of 1 Orange


1. To make the crust: Place 1 1/2 cups of walnuts in a food processor and pulse until you achieve a fine almost flour like texture. Repeat step with the quick oats. Combine the two "flours" with the coconut oil in a medium sized bowl until they begin to stick together. Refrigerate for 20 minutes before spreading out in the bottom of your pie or tart pan. 

2. To make the filling: Combine the strawberries, rhubarb, 1/2 cup of brown sugar, vanilla, cornstarch, and orange juice in a bowl.

3. To make the crumble: Combine 1/2 cup of walnuts, 1/2 tablespoon of coconut oil, and 1/4 cup of brown sugar in food processor until ingredients begin to stick together. 

4. Assembly and cooking: Assemble the pie and bake at 425 degrees for 20 minutes. 

Tip: Once pie is completely cool, refrigerate for 24 hours. After refrigerating for one day, the pie becomes easy to cut into actual slices and is easy to warm up in the microwave. Enjoy!  

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Cauli Mac and Cheese

This recipe is as near perfect as an alternative cheesy sauce recipe can be. It's the right color, it's full of delicious cheesy flavor, and it's only about 30 calories a serving (can't say that about Kraft). I have to be honest though, this is only an adaptation of another recipe from a woman who really works pure genius. Susan V is the creator of the blog, Fat Free Vegan, and just as her website claims, her recipes are sinlessly delicious. She came up with this cauliflower based cheese sauce that looked so scrumptious, I had to try making it. Of course, I have an inability to follow directions and I wanted to try making it my own, so I changed a few things. But the reality is, the real genius behind this recipe is Susan's.

Check out Susan V's original recipe: Cheesy Cauliflower Sauce
(Her other recipes are phenomenal too!)

Cauli Mac and Cheese


1 Cup of Water
1 Cup of Cauliflower florets ( 1/2 small head of cauliflower)
1 Cup of Carrot Puree (just steam a handful of carrots and blend)
3 ClovesGarlic
1/2 TSP of Cayenne
1 TSP of Dijon Mustard
1 TSP of Turmeric
1/2 Cup of Nutritional Yeast
1 TBSP of Miso 
1 TBSP of Cornstarch
Juice of 1/2 a Lemon
Pinch of Salt

1 Cup of Steamed Broccoli
2 Cups of Cooked Pasta


1. Bring water to a boil and add cauliflower, carrot puree, garlic, cayenne, dijon mustard, and turmeric. Cover and cook on low until the cauliflower starts to fall apart.Takes about 20 minutes.

2. Transfer the ingredients in the pot into a blender and add the remaining ingredients. Blend until smooth. 

3. Be careful when opening because hot liquid can erupt when the suction of the blender lid is released. Pour sauce over cooked pasta in a pot and add the steamed broccoli. Cook on low heat until everything is mixed well and the sauce has started to thicken. Takes about 2-5 minutes.    

Friday, February 21, 2014

Easy Vegan Chili

One of the ultimate comfort foods is good old chili. And with the right spices and flavors, you will never miss the meat in this veggie version. It's spicy, warm, and a hearty way to end the day. And although I have experimented with many kinds of vegan chilies, this is still my favorite because of how easy it is to make.

When I think comfort food, I think PB & J, Mac and Cheese, and mashed potatoes. Foods that are full of flavor and fast and easy to make. This chili is just as delicious and easy, even if you don't have a crock pot. If you don't have a crock pot, I suggest sauteing your onions and garlic for 3-5 minutes before adding the rest of your ingredients so that you get more flavor from them.Then you only need to cook your chili for about an hour on the stove, covered on medium heat. If you own a crock pot, just throw all the ingredients in, go to work, and come home to the lovely smell of chili.

Easy Vegan Chili


1 Can of Black Beans
1 Can of Kidney Beans
1/2 Onion, diced
3 Garlic Cloves, diced
2 Celery Stalks, diced
1 Can Tomatoes, diced
2 TBSP of Chili Powder
1 TSP of Cumin Powder
1-2 TSP of Cayene
2 TBSP of Soy Sauce

Salt and Pepper
Garnish with something fresh, like pico de gallo or cilantro!


1. Add all of your ingredients to a crock pot. Stir to combine.

2. Set the temperature to high and cook for 4 hours. Or set the temperature to low and cook for 6-8 hours. 

3. And it's that easy! Enjoy! 

Thursday, February 20, 2014

BBQ Tempeh Sandwich

 Most omnivores are convinced that you can not possibly get enough protein while on a plant based diet. This couldn't be farther from the truth. Many plants are very high in protein, like leafy greens, legumes, and of course soy. Soy is a controversial food to say the least. But contrary to all those Internet articles you may have read, soy does not contribute to prostate cancer or even raise levels of estrogen in men. In fact, consuming soy early on in life can help prevent breast cancer and continuing to eat soy in your later years may even help increase men's sperm count.

Soy is like the super bean. It is lower in carbohydrates than other legumes and much higher in protein. Soy can be found in many traditional and non-traditional forms. More modern forms of soy, like Seitan and 'Chikin,' are fun and familiar ways to satisfy a craving for burgers and chicken nuggets. But for the most nutrients, it is better to opt for the traditional forms of soy, like edamame, tofu, and tempeh.

Almost everyone has eaten tofu or at least knows what it is. You find this white, spongy, and mostly flavorless soy product in miso soup as well as many other dishes.Tempeh on the other hand is still a little foreign to a lot of Americans. Tempeh is also a white-ish and spongy soy cake but has an earthy, nutty flavor. Tofu is made through the process of curdling, just like cheese; tempeh is fermented. Sadly, even though tofu is easier to blend into dishes because of its ability to take on the flavor of whatever it is cooked with, it has less protein and vitamins than tempeh does. With this in mind, I decided it was high time I give tempeh a shot. So I bought some and let it sit in my fridge for a month before I worked up the courage to try it.

What better to do with something you've never had before, than to smother it in barbecue sauce!
This was so tasty and delicious, I can't wait to buy some more tempeh!

Don't forget to check out the companion recipe for this sandwich: Quick Pickled Jalapeno and Onions

BBQ Tempeh Sandwich


4 oz Tempeh
2 Ciabatta Rolls
2 TBSP of Vegan Mayo
2 TSP of Horseradish
2 Leafs of Romaine
3 TBSP of Vegan BBQ Sauce

2 Servings of Quick Pickled Jalapeno and Onions


1. Lightly toast the ciabatta.

2. Thinly slice the tempeh into two slices.

3. Heat medium pan and place tempeh in the pan. Using a pastry brush, or spoon, smother 1 1/2 tablespoons of BBQ sauce on the tempeh. 

4. When the tempeh starts to caramelize, flip and add the rest of the sauce.

5. Remove tempeh when it becomes a little crispy and very caramlized.

6. Mix horseradish and mayo together. Spread 1 tablespoon on each ciabatta roll. Assemble the sandwich with the remaining ingredients: quick pickled jalapenos, romaine, and of course tempeh.

7. Serve with a side of fries or veggies and enjoy!

Quick Pickled Jalapenos and Onions

This was such an easy and delicious condiment to make.
Great on top of sandwiches!

Quick Pickled Jalapenos and Onions


1/2 cup of water
1 Garlic clove, smashed
2 TBSP of sugar
1/2 cup of Apple Cider Vinegar
2 Jalapenos, sliced
1/4 Red Onion, sliced
Pinch of Salt


1. Place water and garlic clove in pot. Bring the water to a boil. 

2. Add sugar, salt and vinegar and stir until all the sugar is dissolved. 

3. Add jalapenos and red onion. Make sure they are all covered by liquid. 

4. Remove pot from heat and let sit for 15-25 minutes before consuming or refrigerating. (will last up to a week in the refrigerator in a sealed container)   

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Creamy Kale Soup

Kale is by far my favorite veggie. It's soft enough that it can be used in salad uncooked, unlike chard. It's a better source of calcium and iron than spinach. And it's just downright delicious. As luck would have it, this green delight is a superfood that my boyfriend loves. Which means, I  get to cook kale filled meals as much as I want.

One of my favorite preparations of kale is this creamy kale soup. It's warm, smooth, and perfect on a rainy evening, much like the ones we just experienced. The Great Northern beans add a good source of protein and the purple potatoes lend to the creaminess. But perhaps the most important ingredient is the red pepper flakes. The spice is just enough heat to make the soup interesting without being overpowering.

Creamy Kale Soup 


 1 Bunch Kale
3 Purple Potatoes, quartered ( or 2 Russet)
1/2 Can Great Northern Beans, rinsed and drained
4 Cups Veggie Broth
3 Cloves Garlic
1 Yellow Onion, diced
2 Tbsp of Olive Oil
2 Tbsp of Red Pepper Flakes

Salt and Pepper to taste

Garnish: croutons and kale chips


1. Saute onions and garlic in olive oil in large soup pot until onions are translucent, about 2 minutes.

Tip: Remember to salt and pepper throughout the whole cooking process; this will really bring out the unique flavors in a dish.

2. Add veggie broth and potatoes. Cover and boil for 15 minutes. 

3. Add beans to soup and place kale on top of the liquid. Cover the pot and this will essentially steam the kale. Leave pot covered on medium heat for about 1 minute, just to soften the kale a little bit.

4. Using either an immersion blender, or transferring the soup to a blender in batches, blend soup until completely smooth.

5. Return creamy soup to pot and add red pepper flakes and season to taste. 


6. Garnish with croutons and crispy kale chips and enjoy!