My Story

My given name is Kalissa, but for the most part everyone calls me Kali. I am a 21 year old college graduate who has a job that has nothing to do with my degree, Native American Studies. I love being a barista and a nanny, but my passion lies in the kitchen and nutrition.

In late March of 2012, my 45 year old dad was diagnosed with cancer. And on July 25, 2012 he died.
My dad and I were very close, we loved the same things, and the relationship we had was special. Even though it's been over a year and half, I still miss him everyday and wish he'd still be there at the other end of the phone every time I finish a new Stephen King book.

During the first year after my dad passed I turned to depression's best friend- food.
I have always loved food and never been especially in-shape or fit; but I had never abused food before.
Almost everyone has a certain food that makes them feel better when they are sad.
For me, that food was anything and everything.

I didn't necessarily eat excessive amounts of unhealthy food, I just ate excessively.

But about six months ago, I realized that eating was just a Band-Aid. When we eat large amounts of food, it actually has a soothing effect on the body and can ease grief pains. However, the lasting affects of overeating can be disastrous. Good health and exercise actually releases endorphins that not only make you feel better, but help your body.

Even though I had been complaining for months about how chubby my face was looking and how much I hated buying larger clothes, I hadn't stepped on the scale.
When I finally did, I was scared.

I am 5' 2 3/4". Also known as very short.
In the span of a year I had gained almost 50 pounds.

It was the first time I had every been officially overweight.
Not only was I overweight, I was borderline obese. 

Something finally clicked and I realized I needed to make a change.
It took a couple months to get going, but by October of 2013, I was in full swing.
January of 2014, I went vegan, which is a decision I struggled with because of how people responded to me after the last time I had tried to make that change.

But when you decide to be healthy and take care of yourself, you have to go for it, no matter what other people's opinions are.

So here I am, starting the fifth month of my journey and I have lost 17 pounds.
But the best part is, that I feel better.
I'm getting healthy.

My obsession with food is by no means gone.
In fact, I think I spend more time thinking about food now than I did when I was eating all the time.
Being vegan doesn't mean sacrificing anything, in fact, I've been more creative in the last month, than I ever have before.

Being vegan is a decision that is more beneficial to the environment and animals than any other lifestyle, but that doesn't mean that it is right for everyone. But for me, being lactose intolerant and already eating very little meat, vegan makes perfect sense.

So here's to a wonderful journey that is changing and saving my life.

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