Friday, December 12, 2014

Peppermint Sugar Cookies plus link to my Ginger Peppermint Steamer video!

School is over!

After a year of being out of school, it was so good to start it all up again. And even though I was only taking one class, I loved being back in that atmosphere and devouring new information.

I know, I'm one of those few weirdos that actually loves going to school.

But the semester is over and for the next month I am going to enjoy making holiday themed recipes in the kitchen and sharing them with my loved ones. Which includes you, my dear readers (who I am still pretty convinced just consists of my grandma, my mom, and friend Krystal).

So I am back from a lengthy sabbatical from my blog. I have however, been keeping up with my young and budding YouTube channel. So if you have not seen my recipe videos, please, jump on over here, and take a gander.

But enough with the jibber jabber. You are here for a very delicious and wonderful holiday delight:

Peppermint Sugar Cookies


2 1/4 cup of all purpose flour
1 tsp of baking soda
1 tsp of salt
3/4 -1 cup of Earth Balance buttery spread
1 tsp of vanilla extract
3/4 cup of granulated sugar
1/2 cup of raw sugar
Egg Replacer for 2 eggs
2 Candy Canes


1. Preheat the oven to 375 F. 
2. Beat together the Earth Balance and sugar and vanilla. When that is completely mixed add the egg replacer.
3. In a separate bowl, mix together the dry ingredients. 
4. Slowly mix in the dry ingredients into the wet ones. 
5. Takes the two candy canes out of their wrappers and place them in a ziploc bag. Seal the bag and then beat the candy canes with a pan, or whatever else you around that is heavy.
6. Using a tablespoon or cookie scoop or your hands, form little round cookies on a baking sheet and press them down slightly. Sprinkle your candy canes over the top of the cookies (make sure to have some big chunks to put on them as well).
7. Bake cookies for 12-15 minutes. And then try not to burn yourself when you want to scarf them down immediately!

These peppermint cookies pair really well with my Ginger Peppermint Steamer: watch the video!

Don't forget to check out my Vegan Holiday Drinks playlist on my YouTube channel as well! 

Happy Holidays!

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Easy Vegan Spinach Pasta

Homemade Pasta!

Even though it was my sister who got to spend this summer in Italy, that doesn't mean that I can't love love love Italian food as well.

Fresh pasta is normally not vegan because it has egg in it.

I like to have pasta with that has extra flavor added into it.

So this is my version of fresh spinach pasta that has totally been veganized!

Follow the link:

(there's a tip on how to make sundried tomato pasta as well as in it)

Monday, October 6, 2014

Keeping a Patio Garden

Being healthy is more than just what happens in the kitchen. It involves what goes into your body, what your body does, what you do with your mind, and who you let into your heart.

Today I wanted to share with you something that is healthy for my body but also healthy for my mind. 

Life can be stressful. Work is exhausting. Your boss frustrating. School long and tiresome. Everyone needs a retreat. 

Having a healthy and happy life involves learning to see the good in all those frustrating things, but sometimes your mind just needs a break. 

One of my retreats are my Friday mornings. After having my butt kicked at the gym for an hour at 6am, I bike home in the nice cool air and then cuddle up all stinky and gross on the couch with a giant smoothie and watch the Project Runway I tapped from the night before. 

It might seem silly, but it's my time. Time before my boyfriend gets up. Time before I have to be at work. Time when I get to have time by myself. 

And that's important. Never underestimate your alone time. It's a good, healthy sign. 
There were days when I never wanted to be alone because that meant being alone with my thoughts. But as I get stronger and healthier, I enjoy that alone time more and more. 

But my daily retreat is my garden. 

On the weekends I get to spend more time in it, rearranging, planting, pruning, and letting my my senses overload with the wonderful smells and the feel of dirt between my fingers. 

But every morning I get to go out and water. I take that opportunity to collect myself before the day begins. Watching nature is soothing and healing. 

Keeping a patio garden is a great way to have cheap organic produce whenever you want it. 
But it can be hard to upkeep if you are still learning like me. 

So in my video I share with you some easy, and inexpensive tips for keeping a patio garden. 

1) Know where your sun ☀️ is.

2) Elevate your garden

3) Thrift Store Finds 

4) Cover to Protect 🐭
(In this photo, you can see I've already started to take the cover off for the day) 

5) Hang your food

So here's the link to that video: 

But since you, dear reader, came to my blog, I've reserved 2 bonus tips just for you! 

6) Use hardware cloth to protect delicate plants
I've used hardware cloth (like chicken wire) to protect these snap peas and artichoke while they are young. Mice also enjoy these plants, but I found not as much as celery and greens. So all I needed to deter them was making little cylinders of a cage to help the plants grow while they are young. For the snap peas it also worked as support for them to climb. 

7) Use dish soap and water to get rid of aphids

You can see that this romaine has little white dots on it, those are aphids. 
Since my garden is organic, I couldn't use a pesticide to get rid of them. I tried using ladybugs, but most of them just flew away. So put a couple drops of liquid dish soap and some water in spray bottle. And spray the underside and tops of your plants leaves where you have an aphid problem. The ones that are on your plant will die. (If you aren't keen on killing things, like me, I did this at night when the least amount of aphids are there.) More aphids won't land on your plant because they can't stick to the leaves with the soap on it. All you have to do is keep this up for a few days and the aphids will go away. And then just be sure to wash your produce well before you eat it.

I hope you all like my garden as much as I do and use these tips to have a beautiful garden of your own. 

And remember, getting healthy is as much about what's in your mind and heart as what's in your stomach. 

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Vegan Enchiladas VeganMoFo Day #15

My family loves enchiladas. I remember so many Christmas' where my Grandma would make enchiladas for Christmas dinner, and I would always pick the olives off of them.

So for the last day of the Vegan Month of Food 2014, I thought I'd share my vegan enchilada recipe with you!

Follow the link below to see the video!

Thursday, September 25, 2014

How to Open a Coconut and Make Raw Coconut Milk VeganMoFo #14

put the lime in the coconut and shake it all up...

Fresh Coconut is a delicious, fun, and healthy treat!

For any athletes out there reading this, coconut water is actually better for you than Gatorade. Coconut water is the perfect solution for anyone looking for electrolytes after working out.

Today has been a beautiful day that started with some much needed and loved rain!
With the official start of fall just three days ago and the rain this morning, we are finally getting into my favorite season!


Beware the pumpkin filled recipes coming soon :D

But for today's video we are making fresh raw coconut milk and I'm going to share with you a part of my world when I get to run in the beautiful rain!

Follow the link:

(raw coconut milk with some added pineapple)

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Mango Colada VeganMoFo Day #13

Fruity alcoholic  beverages are fun.
They are sweet, yummy, full of empty calories, and leave you with awful headaches the next morning.

That being said, they are still delicious.

Lucky for us, many fruity alcoholic beverages can be made without alcohol and with fresher healthier ingredients.

So this is my version of a healthy raw Mango Colada!

Follow link below to watch the recipe!

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Vegan Orange Julius VeganMoFo Day #12

One of my all time favorite smoothies!

The Orange Julius...... Vegan-fied!

Follow the link for pure deliciousness:

Friday, September 19, 2014

Mexican Pot Pie Pockets VeganMoFo Day #11

Pillsbury Crescent Rolls are VEGAN!

What a surprise, what a delight!

Even though these go outside of the healthy realm a little bit, everyone deserves a decadent treat once in awhile. So today we are making a pot pie pocket out of Pillsbury Crescent Rolls stuffed with a corn and bean mix.

These were a fantastic dinner that even my non-vegan boyfriend enjoyed.

You could use these crescent rolls for other pot pie recipes as well.

Follow the link:

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Zucchini Fries VeganMoFo Day #10

French fries are a weakness for me. These delicious oily bits of goodness are almost always vegan, which means, I eat them all the time.

(They aren't always vegan though. Outback Steakhouse uses beef fat for everything it fries, including its french fries. If unsure at a restaurant, always remember to ask.)

But when I am at home and craving french fries, I like to make zucchini fries instead. These are a delicious and healthier option to potato french fries.

Follow the link, make these fries, and thank me later :)

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Raw Chocolate Magic Turtle Shell and Banana Split Recipe VeganMoFo Day #9

Today's video is the last video in my 3 video miniseries on how to make a Raw Vegan Banana Split!

The chocolate magic turtle shell sauce is probably the most versatile component. It makes a great topping to ice cream, but also makes delicious sauce for brownies, cakes, and really anything that needs a chocolate kick.

Follow the link below:

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Coconut Whipped Cream VeganMoFo Day #8

I thought whipped cream was another thing that I would have to say goodbye to forever when I went vegan, but lo and behold, there was coconut milk.

Coconut milk makes the most beautiful whipped cream.

Dairy free. Lactose free. Cruelty free. But Flavor-full.

Follow the link below:

Monday, September 15, 2014

Raw Neapolitan Ice Cream VeganMoFo Day 7

Today is the 1st in a 3 video mini series on how to make all the delicious components to a perfectly wonderful raw vegan Banana Split!

Yes. It really is possible.

And delicious.

Follow the link below to watch the first part of the recipe:

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Curry Stuffed Potato Skins Vegan MoFo Day #6

Here's a little Indian spin on an American classic.

I love potato skins but the fillings are more often than not very un-vegan.
So I decided to make a potato skin overflowing with flavor and vegan delciousness.

These potatoes seem a little complicated and they do have a few steps, but they are actually very simple.

My boyfriend fell in love with this dish which just goes to show that vegan food is yummy for vegans and non-vegans alike.

Follow the link! Please watch, like, and subscribe if the mood strikes you :)

Vegan Ranch Dressing and Chopped Salad VeganMoFo Day #5

Ranch was always my favorite dressing as a child until I discovered French dressing.

But since French is mostly high fructose corn syrup and food coloring and Ranch has dairy, I haven't consumed either of these dressings in quite awhile.

I knew that I could make a vegan version of Ranch though. If there was vegan cheese, why could there not be vegan Ranch?

So here's my recipe for vegan Ranch. It's a little sweet and simple, but I love it. Don't forget to check back on Friday when I will show you how to jazz it up a little to become the perfect dip for my zucchini fries!

Follow the link. Please Watch, Comment, Like, and Subscribe if you haven't already!
I'm still learning, so I would love to hear feedback from everyone!

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

5 Tips for Vegan on the Cheap (Vegan MoFo Day #4)

Today's video is not a recipe, but some helpful tips about how to cut your grocery costs.

Everyone thinks being vegan is expensive, but trust me, it is not!

Veggies, grains, and legumes are some of the cheapest foods you can buy. In this video, I share some of my tips to save money on them :)

Follow the link. Please Like, and if you haven't already, Subscribe!

Monday, September 8, 2014

Bruschetta Pasta with Blistered Tomatoes Vegan MoFo Day #3

Bruschetta is probably my favorite way to eat tomatoes.
And that's because they are smothered in balsamic vinegar.

In today's video, I make a vegan bruschetta with blistered tomatoes instead of raw tomatoes and use it as a topping for my angel hair pasta.

I hope you enjoy!

Please follow the link and don't forget to like and subscribe!

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Buffalo Roasted Chickpeas VeganMoFo Day #2

I had so much fun making my first ever video yesterday, that I just couldn't wait to make today's!

As most of you probably know, football season has officially started!!
That meant I had to make a game day themed snack and what's better than something spicy and crunchy?

Follow the link and be sure to hit Like and Subscribe!

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Raw Vegan Brownies VeganMoFo Day #1

September is the Vegan Month of Food!

I'm a few days late getting started but I'm excited to start my hand at videos!

Everyday for the rest of the month, I will be posting a video everyday about vegan recipes, and tips and tricks for eating out. Bear with me and I promise the quality will get better as the month goes along.

Today's recipe is my personal favorite dessert: Raw Vegan Brownies.

Just follow the link and don't forget to subscribe to my new YouTube channel!

Monday, June 30, 2014

Gluten Free Zucchini Bread and Chia, Plum, and Fig Jam

It's stone fruit season!

My favorite stone fruit is apricots, but while visiting my mom and stepdad for Father's Day, my mom gave me a huge bag of dark purple plums.


But what am I supposed to do with 40 ripe and juicy plums?

Jam. I remember growing up and making jellies and jams out of fresh strawberries and delicious pomegranates. I'll be honest though, I think most of the pomegranate seeds just ended up in my mouth!

But jam is time consuming, and really really high in processed sugar, even homemade jams. One of my jobs was always to measure the sugar in 1/2 cups. I would move spoons from one pile to another so I wouldn't lose track of how many 1/2 cups I had put in. It was a pretty big pile of spoons.

So although I know how to can jam, and probably will later this summer, I needed a way to make jam  that didn't require me purchasing a bunch of mason jars and setting aside a Saturday to stand over a hot stove.

So what's the lazy woman's way of making jam?

Chia seeds.

I love chia, great in smoothies, oatmeal, granola, power bars, basically wherever you want to add a little boost of super nutrition and your essential omega 3 fatty acids. But they also do this funny thing in liquid; they become super gelatinous.

Pour 1/2 a cup of chia seeds into 1 cup of coconut milk, seal the jar, put it in the fridge, and in the morning, you have super healthy, delicious vegan pudding. Why can't the same apply for jam?

Well it does.

Adding chia seeds to puréed fruit and letting it sit in a sealed container in the fridge for 1 hour gives you the fastest homemade jam you never thought was possible. And it's freaking amazing! You can add fresh herbs and spices to give it super complex flavors, vanilla extract or maple syrup for added sweetness, or if you like white refined sugar, you could add that too. I might never purchase jam again. Just remember that there are no preservatives in this jam, and it hasn't been sealed like it is when you can jams and jellies, so it goes bad quickly. Make small batches to use that day or the next. Or make larger batches and freeze it in small containers, so you can pull out just what you need. Fresh, real food has an expiration date.

But homemade jam, even fast 1 hour jam, really deserves fresh homemade bread to go with it.

Here's a little known fact about me, unless of course you've ever lived with me. I love to bake.

When I was going to community college and living at home, I wanted to go to culinary school just for  a baking and pastry degree. I used to bake these awesome chocolate cookies with peppermint chips, and of course jelly sandwich cookies, but my favorite thing to make was pie. My brother still asks me to come back home just because he wants me to make pie.

I still love pie, and I still love to bake, from scratch of course. But being healthy and baking don't exactly go hand in hand. Lately I've been experimenting with gluten free baking and I'll be honest I've had more fails than successes. There are just so many rules when it comes to gluten free baking, you have to have the right blend of flours and it's all so confusing, especially when it has to be vegan on top of everything. But if you really want to give it a shot, I suggest Bob's Red Mill All Purpose Gluten Free Flour and making a quick bread.

Quick bread are the ones you make in small loaf pan, requires no yeast, and only takes about 45 minutes to bake. I've made a lot of spice breads this way, but with some zucchinis that had been in my fridge for too long, I thought it was time to try my hand at Zucchini Bread.

Oh my god. Amazing.

Gluten free breads can be a little flakier than ones made with wheat flour and personally I thought that made this perfect.

So here's my recipes for Gluten Free Zucchini Bread and Quick Chia Plum and Fig Jam. They're such versatile recipes. You could easily take out the zucchini and add bananas for Banana Bread, or use strawberries or blackberries for the jam instead.

Gluten Free Zucchini Bread


2 Cups of Bob's Red Mill All Purpose Gluten Free Flour
1 TSP of Baking Powder
1/2 TSP of Baking Soda
1/2 TSP of Salt
1 Cup of Grated Zucchini
1/2 Cup of Coconut Sugar
1/2 Cup of Coconut Oil
1/8 Cup of Agave Nectar
1 TSP of Vanilla Extract
1/2 TSP of Allspice
1/2 TBSP of Flaxmeal
1 TBSP of Water


1. Mix flour, baking powder, baking soda, salt, and allspice together in a large bowl.

2. Mix flaxmeal and water together and let sit for 2 minutes until it becomes goopy.

3. Mix zucchini, coconut sugar, coconut oil, agave, and vanilla together until combined. Add “flax-egg” and mix well.

4. Pour liquid ingredients into the dry ingredients and mix with a spatula until completely combined.

5. Pour into a loaf pan and bake at 350° for 45 minutes. Let cool before enjoying. 

Chia Plum and Fig Jam


10 Plums
4 Figs

Juice of 1 Lemon

2 TBSP of Agave Nectar
1/4 TSP of Ground Cloves
1/2 Cup of Chia Seeds


1. Separate plums from pits. This is the hardest and messiest part. Just use your hands.

2. De-stem your figs.

3. Put plums and figs into a blender or food processor and mix until smooth. Doing this allows you to keep the skins of both fruit adding extra important nutrients.

4. Add the rest of the ingredients to the blended fruit and mix well to combine.

5. Place inside an airtight sealed container, like a mason jar, and refrigerate for at least one hour.

6. Enjoy on homemade bread or with crackers!

 And don't worry, now that I've been talking about pie, I think I might see some healthy vegan pies and tarts coming in the near future! But for now you could always try out my Strawberry Rhubarb Pie before strawberry season is over!