Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Good Morning Day One

Good morning day one, you terrible scoundrel that had my tummy doing flips and my calves trembling.

The first day always seems like the hardest when you are trying to get back into shape.
But I know that day two is waiting in the shadows with all the same problems except that time my legs will be sore and my body ache.

But I'm getting ahead of myself.
Today is day one. 

And what a lovely day one it is. 

Today is day one on my journey to a healthy mind, body, and heart. 

This morning I worked on a healthy body.

I started out the day getting up at 7:30, which, when your job doesn't start until 12, is pretty early.
Then I started my Healthy Green Vegan Smoothie. 

Why green? 
Other than the fact that green is such a pretty color, green smoothies are a great way to start out a calcium and protein filled day. 

Since I don't drink milk, I'm terrified of getting osteoporosis when I'm older. 
A woman's bones need their calcium. 

Spinach is a great way of getting that. 

So here's my Green Smoothie for today :)

2 cups of fresh spinach
1 cup of unsweetened almond milk
Half a frozen banana
5 frozen peach slices
7 slices of cucumber
2 tbsp of Ground Chia Seed

Blend it up and yum yum yum!

Why the Chia Seed?
What is Chia Seed?
Is it like those Chia Pets?

Why yes it is. 
You could eat that Chia Pet of yours and it would be far better use of it instead of just letting it sit there on a shelf. 

On most bags of Chia seeds or ground Chia seeds, it will tell you that Chia seeds were the super foods of the ancient Aztecs. 
While this is true, it's only partly true. 

Did I mention my degree is in Native American Studies? 

Chia seeds were consumed by many of the tribes in California, not just the Aztecs. They were a staple in Hupa cuisine and still are for many Hupa today. The Hupa live in Northern California and Oregon, which just goes to show how widespread these seeds popularity was. 

Chia seeds are good for your digestive tract. 
And 2 tbsp of ground Chia Seeds a day is 150% of the Omega-3 fatty acids your body needs. 
Not to mention they taste like nuts.

After guzzling down 16oz. of green goodness, I strapped on my shoes and went for a run. 

    12 minutes to run 1 mile. 
     As someone who used to run 6-10 miles a day, that's really sad. 

     But hey! I'd still pass PE!

     I wore my shirt from the Mothers' Day Run I did with my mom to remind myself that its been since   
     May 12 since I ran last. 

     No burning out on the first day. 

     Stretched, took a shower and then sat down to this healthy breakfast of Flax Plus Cereal.

   Yes, part of getting healthy is eating things like flax seed that tastes gross. 
    But this was pretty good!

   All in all it took me an hour to start off my day the right way. 
   And at 10 o'clock, it's still kicking me in the butt!

   But the soreness is just gonna get worse lol. 

   Can't wait for day two!

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