Wednesday, January 7, 2015


Today is my one year Veganniversary!

That's right! I have officially been vegan for one whole year. I am so excited that my journey to become the healthiest version of myself has brought me here. Even though I became a vegan because I wanted to lose weight, it has become so much more than that to me. Being vegan is no longer just about the weight loss or the fact that I never have to worry about my cholesterol ever again. Being vegan has changed how I see the world.

I never thought I would become an animal rights vegan, but when I look into the eyes of a dog or a cat or even a chicken, I don't know how I couldn't be. Animals are living breathing beautiful creatures just like us and they deserve the same respect and treatment that we give to each other. Choosing not to eat animals because you believe that they deserve to live is a hard concept for a lot of people, and I understand that. And I don't judge anyone that chooses to eat animals, but having educated myself on our food industry, I know that I won't ever again.

But that education has brought me farther than just choosing not to eat meat or dairy or eggs, but to a point where I'm beginning to understand just how much damage we do to our home just through our lifestyles. It's hard to give up things we think should be everyday parts of our lives, but learning how those things affect the Earth has made me reconsider some things. My family may choose to call me a hippie liberal (even though I'm pretty sure my siblings don't know what either of those words mean) but I don't really care. I've learned that how I live is something that I should be able to live with, it doesn't matter if others think I'm extreme. If I don't want to use disposable tampons anymore because that's actually an incredible amount of waste and they aren't good for your body, than I won't. If I want to only eat herbs that I have grown organically on my back patio, than I will. And if I don't want to kill the mouse that's been eating my spinach, than hey, I guess I've just made a new friend.

I don't want this post to seem like I think I'm better than people who aren't doing these things, because trust me, I AM MOST DEFINITELY NOT. I still love watching TV and taking showers that waste a ton of water and I drive to work even though I should bike. I'm just saying I like how being vegan is turning me into someone that I like.

This whole blog was meant to help me on a journey to fix my health, but not just my physical body, but my mind and my heart as well. I have always struggled with lacking self confidence and not loving myself. But now I'm starting to see why liking myself might not be such a bad thing. In fact, it's a good thing. No, scratch that, it's a great thing. Because when I like myself, I'm happy. And when I'm happy, I'm better to the people around me and to my environment. And when I'm better to those around me, I like myself. It's a beautiful cycle.

So happy 1 year veganniversary to me.

I love who I am becoming, I love where this road is taking me, and I love being vegan.

I hope that all of you are having some beautiful, wonderful, self-loving thoughts and realizations to start your year off as well.

Happy New Year, everyone.

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