Sunday, March 30, 2014

Free Mini-Cookbook! Kale For Everyday!

Kale is trendy. Kale is delicious. And kale just happens to be my favorite veggie right now. 

This mini-cookbook includes some recipes that I have shared here, but it also has never before shared recipes! 

I hope you enjoy these kale filled recipes as much as I do!

Use the following link to download your free mini-cookbook today:

Friday, March 14, 2014

Kale Black Bean Quesadillas

Vegan cheese is a bit of a struggle for me. Homemade cashew cheeses and cauliflower dip cheeses can be low fat and relatively healthy. But the store bought vegan cheeses like Daiya are high in fat and really not that better than actual cheese, except no animals were harmed in its making. The benefit to vegan cheese like Daiya is that it has the texture of regular cheese. So I allow myself to have it in small quantities every once in awhile. At least until I find a better alternative.

These quesadillas are a satisfying and delicious alternative to your average plain old quesadillas. Even my non-vegan boyfriend tried adding kale and black beans to his quesadilla and enjoyed it. But kale really does taste great no matter what. 

Kale and Black Bean Quesadillas


2 Vegan Tortillas
1/4 Cup of Daiya Cheddar Style Cheese
1/4 Cup of Chopped Kale 
1/4 Cup of Black Beans 
1 TSP of Ground Cumin
1/2 TSP of Garlic Powder



1) Sprinkle half of your cheese on the bottom tortilla.

2) Add the kale and beans on top of that cheese. 

3) Sprinkle the remaining cheese on top and place the second tortilla on top.

4) Heat your quesadilla in a medium pan on medium heat. When the cheese starts to melt, flip it over. Cook until cheese is gooey and the quesadilla is holding together. 

Tip: Using blue corn tortillas gives these quesadillas so much more flavor than flour quesadillas.  

Monday, March 3, 2014

Blackberry Avocado Smoothie

Don't knock it until you've tried it! Avocado may sound like something only fit for guacamole and anything on a menu with the word "California" in it, but the avocado really makes this smoothie great. If you can look past the fact that the main component of the best chip dip ever is in this smoothie, and the blackberry seeds, it makes an amazing, delicious, and healthy breakfast! Like all other berries, blackberries are full of cancer fighting antioxidants. The pineapple and lemon juice are chock full of Vitamin C and citrus actually helps burn fat better than most other foods. Even though avocado has received a bad reputation for being a high fat food, these fats are actually good for you. The fats in avocado have been shown to help fight inflammation, particularly with arthritis. Not to mention, avocado is high in Vitamin A. 
Recently I've been reading a lot of different books, articles, and blogs about vegan nutrition. There's the meat lovers, who think it's extreme and impossible to be healthy. And on the other extreme, there are the vegans who believe you should not have any oil, sugar, salt, any processed foods of any kind and that includes vegan ones. It's been really disheartening to think that when I have a quarter of an avocado on my sandwich that that may be the reason the weight isn't falling off easily any more. And that's when I realized that this journey is my journey. I have all the tools to know what is good for my body and what isn't. The reality is that while it may work for another vegan to exclude avocados from their diet completely, that is never going to work for me. Early this week my boyfriend said something I think I need to include in the way I think about my health. 

"What's the point, if you can't enjoy it?"

He's absolutely right. If I want to eat avocado, I'm going to. (Besides, it's good for you.) But I do know, that everything in moderation. I'm still learning what works for my body. And if being SOS (sugar oil salt) free works for you, that's fantastic. But it doesn't work for me. I'm getting healthier every day and learning more and more about myself along the way. 

Now that I'm done ranting, on to that smoothie you all came to see ;)

Blackberry Avocado Smoothie

Print Recipe!


1 Cup of Blackberries 
1/2 Small Avocado
1/2 Cup of unsweetened Pineapple Juice
Juice of 1/2 Lemon
1/2 Teaspoon of Vanilla


1. Add all ingredients into a blender. Blend until ridiculously creamy and delicious. Enjoy!

P.S. The avocado adds little flavor to this smoothie. It just makes it ultimately creamy ;)